Kevin Mahaffey
Kevin Mahaffey
So far, I've co-founded Lookout
and helped hundreds of companies via Y-Combinator and SNR 

I believe businesses are problems to solve.

‍I'm an engineer who loves solving problems regardless of whether they're speed bumps or opportunities to aggressively accelerate.


‍While building Lookout, we were fortunate to have investors and advisors who were there both in the good and the hard times.

Now that I'm able to help the next generation of founders, I aim to earn the trust to be the first call when something goes wrong—or something goes right.


The most exciting companies aim to make the world more efficient, each contributing in their own way to overall economic growth and prosperity.

I believe that AI-catalyzed revolutions in software automation, robotics and biology will accelerate abundance so that cost of living rounds to zero. In this world, the fruits of our labor—both as individuals and as a species—are not merely to survive but the potential to truly thrive.

Is zero cost of living an outlandish techno-utopia? Perhaps. Is it a future worth fighting for? Definitely.

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